Friday, January 24, 2014


Madame Tussaud's got wax
From London to L.A.
But in Laos, a Buddha Park
Is eerier than they.

This was the first thing we saw as we drove up. The only way inside was through the mouth.

Going in

She came out in one piece. Maybe I'll try. 

Here's a close up of the dancers just outside the entrance of the globe.

Inside the globe.

Inside the globe looking down, half way up.
Wider view from the top

Reclining Buddha?

You're in Asia now
I wonder what it all represents. I am at a loss to know except that the cobras over the heads of royalty are protecting them.
This is a view from the small exit you crawl out of when you climb up the center of the globe.

Inside the core of the globe are three levels. This is to represent Heaven. It is the top inside level.
This middle one represents earth life we are living. Notice they all have serpent bodies.

This one represents Hell. Many are being held by their hair and are being tortured. Creepy.

This statue is holding a young woman. Her hair is hanging down on the right.

No words.

Still no words.

This is a bigger reclining Buddha than the one at That Luang.

A couple of relics. This was a very fun preparation day. We rode here in a little tuk tuk and it took at least an hour each way. Much of the ride was on a dusty road.
  Our tuk tuk driver and our new friends, the Stewarts from Alberta, Canada. They are missionaries in Mongolia. They were assigned to check out the medical facilities here so we know what to do if we get sick. I'm glad we're here in Laos. It's cold in Mongolia. We thawed them out and sent them on their way, warmer.

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